Tutorials · · 4 min read

How to ban users from all chats with TalkJS

In this article, we will demonstrate the process of removing a user from conversations, and put security measures in place that ban this user from interacting with chats again. We can ensure the security of your conversations by preventing user impersonation using identity verification, and disabling client-side syncing so users can’t add themselves to conversations.

The first step is deleting the user from a conversation. Let’s get started!

Deleting a user from a conversation

TalkJS makes it possible to programmatically add and remove the users in a conversation. You can also restrict access rights, toggle notifications on or off, or set a label for certain people in a conversation. We cannot remove participants from a conversation using the JavaScript SDK, but we can via the REST API.

First, let’s use the REST API to remove a user from a conversation.

<b>Path:</b> /v1/{appId}/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{userId}

<b>Methods:</b> DELETE

curl https://api.talkjs.com/v1/tG5nSzBD/conversations/order_391_fc/participants/user_924772 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_l9AmGDFY0rHHNM5IqCdpHzI2e2e0Jd7r" \

When a user is removed from a conversation they are no longer listed as a participant in the conversation and the user isn't be able to see any new messages sent to the conversation. However, the conversation will still appear in their list of conversations in the Inbox UI, and when the user's conversations are fetched via the REST API.

Deleting a user like this will remove the access rights the user has to the conversation.

The user can be a participant in a conversation with three different access rights:

  1. Full access ("ReadWrite"): The user is listed in the header, can read and write messages to other participants.
  2. Read-only access ("Read"): The user is listed in the header and can only read, but cannot write messages.
  3. No access anymore: The user used to be a participant but has since been removed with the DELETE call. The user is not listed in the header for other participants. The moment this user rejoins, they get all the messages that they might have missed. Until then, they see a static view of the conversation with only the messages that were exchanged until they were removed from the conversation.
    You can find all of the conversations a user is a participant in by following this API reference guide.

TalkJS currently does not have a way to delete an entire user and their user data. Instead, you could use the edit endpoints to remove any personally identifiable information (PII) associated with the user. To automate this process, you can use an anonymization script, which you can find in the TalkJS GitHub examples repository.

Ensuring the security of your TalkJS Integration

You can ensure the integrity of your user’s data and the security of your TalkJS integration as a whole in two main ways:

Let’s cover these in turn.

Authentication (identity verification)

Identity verification protects your user's data and prevents user impersonation. With signature-based verification, your backend sends a digital signature of the current user's id to TalkJS. This signature can't normally be forged, so it proves that the current user identified to TalkJS is really the user logged in to your platform.

How does it work?

It works by generating a hex-encoded HMAC-SHA256 signature of the user's id. This is a message authentication scheme supported by all popular programming languages. If signature-based verification is enabled, TalkJS will block any requests without a valid signature.

Set up identity verification

First, set the signature property in the Talk.Session object to the HMAC-SHA256 hash of the current user id signed with your TalkJS secret key. This can be done in one line of code that you can simply copy and paste, for example like the following code snippet:

window.talkSession = new Talk.Session({
    appId: "tG5nSzBD",
    me: me,

    // this is the line that it's all about:
    signature: "<?= hash_hmac('sha256', strval($user->id), 'SECRET') ?>"

You can find the secret key on the Settings page of your TalkJS dashboard. Important: Always keep your secret key private and make sure it doesn't leak or appear in your frontend code.

Once you’ve tested it and confirmed it works, you can enable authentication (identity verification) in the dashboard. Now any request without a valid signature will be blocked.

The authentication documentation has code samples that demonstrate how to create a signature in multiple languages.

With this security measure in place, you have immediately improved the level of integrity of your users. To yet further improve security and access, you can also turn off client-side conversation syncing.

Turn off client-side conversation syncing

If you exclusively use the REST API to create or update TalkJS users and conversations then you may want to turn off the option to create or update via the JavaScript SDK.

In your TalkJS dashboard you have two checkboxes under the Security settings section that allow you to turn off synchronization via the browser: one for synchronizing users, and one for synchronizing conversation data.

If user synchronization via the browser is disallowed, the following code will not work as it tries to add or update the data via the JavaScript SDK:

const me = new Talk.User({
    id: "123456",
    name: "Alice"
    email: "alice@example.com"

You can, however, reference a Talk.User using only their ID, which will use the details already stored for the user.

const me = new Talk.User(123456)

Similarly, if the option to disallow conversation synchronization via the browser is checked, the following will not work as it involves modifying the conversation data using the JavaScript SDK:

// Only if the conversation already exists, this will work
const conversation = session.getOrCreateConversation(Talk.oneOnOneId(me, other));

// Trying to set a participant via the SDK will cause an error

// Trying to set the conversation's attributes will also cause an error
    subject: "Hello world!"

This way, you can successfully turn off client-side conversation syncing in TalkJS

Banned from the conversation

By setting up identity verification and turning off browser synchronization, any user that you've removed from a conversation is effectively banned and can't take any further actions.

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