You can now edit metadata for your application directly from your dashboard.

With the app metadata editor, you can easily store and edit custom metadata for your app, for example the app’s name, or a custom website URL. Once stored, you can make these app metadata variables available in other places throughout your app, such as in roles, themes, and your email notification templates.

Overview of the TalkJS dashboard, under the Settings tab, under the heading ‘General’, there is an overview of your app ID, secret key, and a heading ‘App metadata’ with the option to edit metadata for your app. Already listed are `{{}}`, followed by an empty field where you can fill out the app’s name, and `{{app.custom.__}}` with the placeholder text ‘fieldname’, and the option to fill out the value for this field, and a ‘Delete’ button to delete this entire custom metadata field. Another button ‘Add custom field’ allows you to add another field. At the bottom of the section is a button ‘Save metadata’ to save all changes.
You can edit your app’s metadata directly from your dashboard

You can find the metadata editor under the Settings tab of your TalkJS dashboard, and access your custom app metadata in roles, themes, and notification settings with {{app.custom.<fieldName>}}.

Multi-line inputs are supported.

Read more on using app custom fields.

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