Product · · 1 min read

Improved push notification support

Sending mobile push notifications with TalkJS just got easier, with support for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) tokens and the new Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API.

Improved push notification support

Sending mobile push notifications with TalkJS just got easier, with support for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) tokens and the new Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API.

Support for APNs tokens

TalkJS now supports using stateless authentication tokens for your communication with Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). Establishing a token-based connection to APNs has several main advantages:

You can configure APNs tokens from the Settings page of your TalkJS dashboard.

Support for new Firebase Cloud Messaging API

TalkJS now supports the newer Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API for sending mobile push notifications.

Google has deprecated FCM legacy APIs. For push notifications to continue to work, you will need to generate and provide a service account private key at the earliest opportunity, and before 20 June 2024.

To start using the new FCM API, take the steps in the following guide: Configure Firebase Cloud Messaging.

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