A message is a piece of text, an image or a location that a user can send to a conversation.
Field | Type | Description |
string | Read-only. A unique ID for the message, generated by TalkJS. Example: "msg_6TKoWs0Jm8XrjPOmFdOGiX" | |
string | ID of the Conversation this message was sent to. | |
`"UserMessage" | "SystemMessage"` | |
string | The user ID of the sender. | |
string[] | Read-only. List of the user IDs who have already read and received this message. Doesn't include the sender. Example: The | |
string | The text of the message. Only given if this message is a text message. | |
{ url: string, size: number } | Read-only. Only given if this message is a file transfer. An object with the location and filesize (in bytes) of the given file. Read how to send a file using the REST API | |
number[] | An array of two numbers which represent the longitude and latitude of this location, respectively. Only given if this message is a shared location. Example: [51.481083, -3.178306] | |
ContentBlock[] | The recommended way to parse the contents of a message, replacing text , attachment , and location . See Message Content for more details. | |
"web" | "rest" | "email" | "import" | Determines how this message was sent: respectively, Via a web browser (or mobile Webview), via the REST API, via reply-to-email, or using the import API. | |
number | Timestamp when this message was sent, expressed as the amount of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch (1970-1-1, 00:00:00 UTC). Example: 1525249255419 | |
number | Timestamp when this message was edited, expressed as the amount of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch (1970-1-1, 00:00:00 UTC). Example: 1525249255419 | |
string | null | ID that refers to the message referred to by a reply. Referencing a message can be done via TalkJS UI. | |
object of strings | An object with key-value pairs (keys and values must be strings) that you want to associate with a message. TalkJS doesn't process this data at all, but you can access it in API responses, webhook events, and themes, among other places. |