
A participant is a User that is a member of a Conversation.

Participants can get notifications of activity in a conversation and are listed in the conversation's member list.

All the conversations that a user is a participant of are shown in the conversation list of the Inbox, ordered by last activity.

To add a participant to a conversation with JavaScript, use setParticipant. To add, remove or edit a participant, use the REST API.

Participant Settings

You can control participant behaviour using the following fields:


Specifies the participant's access permission for a conversation.

"Read"The participant is allowed to read messages in the converstion
The participant is not allowed to post new messages
The participant is listed in the header
"ReadWrite"The participant is allowed to read messages
The participant is allowed to post new messages
The participant is listed in the header
"None"The participant is not allowed to read messages
The participant is not allowed to post new messages
The participant is not listed in the header

Access rights are described in more detail in the section on group chat access rights.


If the participant meets the condition to get a notification, the notify setting will be used to determine if notifications will be send. When mentions are used, you can set it up, so that users will only receive a notification once they are mentioned.

trueThe participant will receive notifications
falseThe participant will not receive notifications
"MentionsOnly"The participant will only receive notifications once they are mentioned in the conversation