Real-time message translation for chat apps
Real-time chat translation reduces language barriers and improves global communication. Learn how to set up real-time message translation for your site or app with TalkJS.
Learn about new product announcements and all the different ways you can use TalkJS features in your digital products.
Real-time chat translation reduces language barriers and improves global communication. Learn how to set up real-time message translation for your site or app with TalkJS.
Discover the best white-label chat solutions with this expert guide. Learn benefits, key features, and explore top platforms to save time and costs.
You can now add your own custom emojis to your chat 😀 Using the customEmojis option, you can add images for
Mentioning someone in a chat just became more effortless. Users no longer need to manually select, or hit enter or tab to mention another user in a conversation.
You control how TalkJS displays link previews for URLs shared in the chat.
With TalkJS's Inbox pre-built chat UI, you can use conversation list filters to customize which conversations show up in the user's inbox.
Customize almost any theme component in your TalkJS user interface to match your brand's look and feel.
Sending mobile push notifications with TalkJS just got easier, with support for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) tokens and the new Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API.
Effective chat moderation is key in creating a safe and welcoming online space. TalkJS offers extensive automated content filtering, options for manual intervention, user-level moderation, and integrations for dedicated moderation tools.
You can now use action buttons and action links inside the ConversationListHeader and ConversationListItem theme components in the Inbox UI, giving you yet more control in customizing your chat.
As your number of users grows, so does the risk of unwanted spam messages. TalkJS built-in features that help you keep your channels clean.
Do you need to get all messages that were sent before, after, or during a certain time? You can now filter both conversations and messages by their creation time.