
The ConversationListItem component is rendered for each conversation in the conversation list in the inbox widget.


The ConversationLisItem component receives the following props:

conversationConversationThe conversation being rendered
isSelectedbooleanWhether this conversation is currently selected
isUnreadbooleanWhether this conversation has any unread messages
unreadMessageCountnumberNumber of unread messages in this conversation
lastMessageMessageThe most recent message in the conversation

The message object passed as lastMessage only has the following properties: type, sender, body, timestamp, editedAt and custom.

Available system components

The following system components are available to the ConversationListItem component:

The <ConversationLink> system component renders a link which, when clicked, navigates the inbox to this conversation.


classstringThe class given to the link
stylestringCSS styles given to the link
titlestringThe link's title attribute

Usage example

The conversation link is usually used as a wrapping element around all markup within the ConversationListItem component.

1<ConversationLink class="close-button" style="width: 100%" title="{{conversation.subject}}">
2 <!-- Conversation list item markup -->


A button that emits a custom conversation action event when clicked.


classstringThe class given to the button
action RequiredstringName of the action that gets triggered
data-<foo>stringParameters you want to pass along with the action event.

The values of any attributes starting with data- will be passed along.

Example usage

This example renders a button that triggers a ConversationAction event when clicked. The event will have an action set to "viewOrder", and include an orderId property taken from a custom attribute set on the conversation.

1<ActionButton action="viewOrder" data-orderId="{{conversation.custom.orderId}}">
2 Confirm attendance

The <ActionLink> system component behaves the same as <ActionButton>, except that it is rendered as a link.


classstringThe class given to the link
action RequiredstringName of the action that gets triggered
data-<foo>stringParameters you want to pass along with the action event.

The values of any attributes starting with data- will be passed along.

Example usage

This example renders a link that triggers a ConversationAction event when clicked. The event will have an action set to "viewOrder", and include an orderId taken from a custom attribute set on the conversation.

1<ActionLink action="confirmAttendance" data-orderId="{{conversation.custom.orderId}}">
2 Confirm attendance