Shared types

Shared types are used in the props that are given to several components.


The Markup type holds markup that can be used as template output, but can't be processed like strings or other basic value types.


Represents a user

1type User = {
2 id: string,
3 name: string,
4 firstName: string,
5 photoUrl: string | nil,
6 role: string | nil,
7 locale: string | nil,
8 isMe: boolean,
9 custom: {[key: string]: string}


A message in a conversation

1type Message = {
2 type: "UserMessage" | "SystemMessage",
3 sender: User | nil, // nil for system messages
4 previousMessage: Message | nil,
5 conversation: Conversation,
6 isWelcomeMessage: boolean,
7 timestamp: number | nil, // nil for welcome messages
8 editedAt: number | nil, // timestamp at which the message was edited
9 hasReferencedMessage: boolean,
10 referencedMessage: Message,
11 // Whether this is a message sent via email, that spans multiple lines.
12 // If this is true, it might be useful to indicate that it's an email message, in case there is any unexpected text or markup inserted by the email client.
13 isLongEmailMessage: boolean,
14 custom: {[key: string]: string},
15 canReact: boolean, // Whether the current user is allowed to add reactions to this message
16 reactions: Reaction[] | nil, // Emoji reactions, only set for user messages
17 body: {
18 type: "text" | "file" | "location" | "typing-indicator",
19 hasThumbnail: boolean,
20 // The following fields are only set if the body type is "text":
21 rawText: string | nil,
22 formattedText: Markup | nil,
23 links: string[] | nil,
24 // The following fields are only set if the body type is "file":
25 isVoiceMessage: boolean | nil; // Whether the file is a voice message
26 recordingDuration: number | nil; // Voice message recording duration in seconds
27 thumbnailError: boolean | nil; // Whether there was an error displaying the thumbnail of this file
28 file: File | nil
29 // The following fields are only set if the body type is "file":
30 location: [number, number] // The latitude and longitude.
31 }


An emoji reaction on a message

1type Reaction: {
2 emoji: string,
3 iReacted: boolean, // Whether the current user has placed this rreaction
4 numReactions: number // the number of users who reacted with this emoji


A file attached to a message

1type File = {
2 url: string;
3 filename: string,
4 formattedFilename?: Markup,
5 // The file's size in bytes
6 size: number,
7 // For images or videos, to show thumbnails at the correct size before loading to prevent content shift on slow connections
8 dimensions?: { width: number; height: number } | nil;
9 type: "image" | "video" | "audio" | "other",


1type Conversation = {
2 id: string,
3 rawSubject: string | nil,
4 formattedSubject: Markup | nil,
5 photoUrl: string | nil,
6 custom: {[key: string]: string},
7 participants: User[],
8 // Participants in the conversation, excluding the current user
9 otherParticipants: User[],
10 isGroupChat: boolean // true if this conversation has more than 2 participants or if it has no participants (meaning everyone is a guest)